Book Review: Everybody Fights: So Why Not Get Better At It

When I first got married, I did not know that every couple fought

I thought that healthy relationships could address issues without frustration or anger. And if those feelings arose, we were unhealthy and needed to hash out every negative feeling right then and there or head to counseling. God bless my sweet husband! Ten years later, my feelings are not nearly as extreme but honestly I struggle when we argue or get upset. Negative feelings feel... well negative.

I know Kim and Penn Holderness for their hilarious parodies and their account was daily entertainment throughout the pandemic. But as we read their book “Everybody Fights: So Why Not Get Better At It,” they revealed a side of them I’d never seen, one of depth and transparency that was refreshing and encouraging. And their approach to the negative emotions that we all face in marriage is one the best I have read in some time.

They dig deep y’all!

They talk about finances, intimacy and communication and address it from both sides of the relationship which made it an easy read for both me and my husband to enjoy!

For those wondering, the book is not Christian, but it offers practical wisdom and experience that can be applied to any marriage. Their stories are hilarious but then they break them down to help you find solutions to the problems that every couple faces in one way or another.

If you’re married or engaged, I highly recommend this one for both you and your significant other! Cheers to relationships that are thriving and knowing how to fight well. 


The Goal is Not Perfection


In Its Time